Monday, 21 January 2013

Shopping and dogs

To link these two activities together might seem strange - if you haven't got pets, that is. Yesterday I was advised by the butcher in Warwick that it was the best day for me to go and buy the bones that are a critical part of my dogs' food. When I had the cat it always seemed he was as expensive as the four dogs, but now all I can complain about is the cost of keeping them in bones. Like, yesterday set me back over $50 for two good boxes of bones. Granted this will keep the pups happy for at least a couple of weeks, but it always comes as a bit of a slug when I have to buy the things.

I went the long route in to avoid roadworks and hit the metropolis about 4.30 p.m., hastily stocked up with fruit at the local Aldi, had a rapid blue with the shopping centre pharmacist (more of that another day) and then went to collect the bones. This week was an excellent haul, all juicy fresh lamb pieces, which then had to be driven home fast before they warmed up. I called in rapidly to say G'Day to my darling daughter, who presented me with her collection of chook food (leftovers that are greeted with loud squawks of joy by the birds), her first grapes from her carefully nurtured vine and a sprig of fresh tomatoes. Home grown grapes and tomatoes are so radically different from shop offerings...

Mischief and Cody dogs were so happy on the way home, their quivering noses raised in appreciation of our load behind them! Lest it seem strange that I travel everywhere with a couple of dogs on the back seat, firstly it is common in this rural area to drive through town with a heap of hounds in the vehicle. Second, didn't you know that Henry Ford actually developed his popular car for dogs? The dogs know it if people don't. And thirdly, no-one will steal my car or part thereof when it has a couple of hairies leaning out of the window. Apart from many years ago when my beloved Tzar-dog tried to fang someone who opened the driver's door (don't know if he succeeded as the opener scarpered, leaving the door open) no-one has ever bothered my car. If they went to Mischief's side they would be licked to death, while I am not sure about Cody. Certainly no cat or dog could come within 500 metres without threat of disembowelment - don't know how humans would fare. Finally, Mischief cannot be left behind - again, more on that hereafter.

Mischief  looking her fiercest at Xmas (pic by Duncan)

Anyway, we arrived home to the usual rapturous welcome (who on earth wouldn't want to be loved this much?) and I had to lug the groceries up to the house. The garage is outside the yard, so I use the wheelbarrow to ferry loads to the bottom of the house stairs. I have to split the boxes of bones between a lot of bags so I can carry them up, as the boxes are too heavy and are in the habit of collapsing halfway (imagine the scene of frantic human scooping up bones while hopeful dogs stand very close, sniffing and salivating!). It was horribly humid, so I felt some satisfaction by the time I had everything offloaded and stowed in freezers,etc.

Then it was catch-up time with walking dogs, yarding goats...and I didn't do my blog last night, ugh. Sorry!

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