Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Fire - preparations

(Photo - Elspeth Murray)

Well, good day to you on this first day of our official heat wave in Queensland. The poor people down south have had their dreadful fires happen (and of course many are still out of control) while up here so far there is just one out of control on Bribie Island.. 

The photo is of my view from the dog paddock down to the road. It always reminds me of the song, Country Road...' On a more sombre note it also shows the fire risk from the dry grasses. So, I'm taking the hazard very seriously. I cannot stop some idiot lighting fires, but I have to plan to survive if they do.

The slogan they are pushing on the news programmes is 'Prepare, Act, Survive.' As I'm always a day or three late I've just been thinking about the Prepare part. Yesterday evening I rang my nice insurers, RACQ, so I could check that my cover was up to date. They were so helpful and I felt reassured that in the event of losing some or all of my possessions at least I had someone on my side.

The next part is working out where I would go in the worst case scenario of being cut off. The road is a no-through road, which means if the main road end is unusable, there is no exit. Daughter has vetoed the dog pond, so I had to think elsewhere. I think I have it! I have three old truck backs I use as extra sheds one for the chook house, one for storage and one currently free, though needing a clean out after it housed some young fowls over Christmas. It is made of thick fibreglass and hence is well insulated. Also, being in the dog paddock it is surrounded by slashed grass with only small regrowth trees around. Should a fire come through it would probably rip across pretty fast but would not stay for long given there would be lack of fuel to keep it going.

Having chosen my haven I now have to sort out what I should put in it, which comes under the Act part of our instructions. So far I have given the floor a quick sweep (it needs a lot more!) and taken a comfortable chair over there. However, as the day is already scorching, with gusty hot winds, I have retreated into the house.

Oh - also in this first phase of preparing for the worst, while hoping for the best, I drove into town early this morning before the day's heat really hit. I flew around doing the essentials and stocking up with fresh milk and fruit so I don't have to venture out for the next few days. I was home in just over an hour and relieved to be back. 

My mobile phone is fully charged, my bore water tank is full, the fire breaks were slashed a couple of months ago...and now I hope for everyone to have a very good day!

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